We've been busy creating here at Leading Off the Cuff!  Last month's Leading with Creativity session at COCO Uptown was a great success with fantastic leaders from all over town. (You can watch a 2 minute video from the session here during which I unveil the most important question of all time!)

And now, we're excited to announce our next event: Changmaker's Day in November. It's a special partnership between Leading Off the Cuff and This Moved Me. We'll be diving into exactly how we create our best work while driving towards meaningful change in our organizations, our communities, and ourselves. It's going to be a lot of fun and I know you'll get a lot out of it. There are only 25 seats available, so register now. 

“Today was incredible. It was the most influential and creative two hours I have ever spent... Andy truly is a master of his craft. Andy utilized games and situations in order to convey messages and lessons. This seminar was eye-opening to say the least.”


As always, drop me a line if you're interested in a Creative Crash Course for your team, team coaching to get out-of-the box as you plan your next endeavor or planning retreat, or clarity sessions to help get all those ideas channelled into daily actions and progress!


  RESEARCH:   Thursday, Sep 29, The Brave New Workshop's Creative Outreach team is hosting MNOVATION. It's really a great event where you'll learn all sorts of great stuff about adopting a more innovative mindset. A mixture of great keynotes, interactive workshops, and interesting panelists (including my friends Vikas Narula of Keyhubs and Simone Ahuja of Blood Orange), I think you'll find it to be a day well spent. Use the discount code MOREISBETTER for 20% off groups of 3 or more.

  RETREAT:   As you know, running a business can be draining. So I'm looking forward to the Shannon's Institute's Alumni Retreat later this week. If you're not familiar, The James P. Shannon Leadership Institute is a yearlong leadership program that offers community-serving leaders from all sectors the opportunity for renewal and reflection. I'm a 2009 alum and am still reaping the benefits of the experience. I encourage you to check out the program.

  REALIZE:   I find writing to be a great tool for getting clear on what I actually think and for surfacing new ideas just below my current awareness. About a year ago, I started using a writing application called Scrivener. I've really fallen in love with it, not only for drafting blog posts, talks, book chapters, workshop outlines, and articles--but also as a basic capture tool for simple ideas or resources that I may want to explore or develop at a later time.

  REVEAL:   I had lunch the other day with my friend, Nate Eklund of Eklund Consulting and he shared a brilliant idea that he tested out with a client. Wanting to build more comfort with productive failure, Nate suggested that team members build into their meeting check-ins a practice of sharing their biggest mistake in the previous couple weeks. It caught on and has become a favorite part of their meetings--turning inevitable missteps into point of connection and opportunities for learning. Give it a try!

What are you making theses days? What's getting in your way? What discoveries have you come across? I'd love to hear about them!

Copyright ©2016 Leading Off the Cuff, All rights reserved.

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Andy Zimney is a Senior Advisor and Team Performance Coach at Employee Strategies, Inc., a boutique firm that partners with leaders to develop highly effective cultures that drive outstanding results. Contact ESInc to learn more about how they can assess your current culture and design customized and effective development experiences for your team. Or reach out to Andy directly.